One of the biggest factors in the growth of any business is a good source of fresh new leads.

By marketing and bringing in fresh exclusive leads, this allows the business to effectively generate new sales, which in turn benefits the company’s revenues and overall bottom line.

Now, imagine you could tap into a traffic source that literally has billions of people on it every day? Needless to say, Facebook offers your business one of the best advertising platforms the world has ever seen!

By harnessing the power of Facebook ads, you can take your brand content and put it directly in front of the eyes of over 2.3 billion unique users.

Advertising your products, services, package deals, and website on Facebook is the best way to get your stuff in front of the right people at the right time.

In this article we’ll give you seven reasons why Facebook should be utilized by any company looking to grow business results efficiently.

ONE: Facebook advertising makes it so businesses can target specific audiences or niches and try to get the attention of their desired customer-base. Unlike other forms of advertising where you aren’t entirely sure who is seeing your content, here you can choose exactly which users will have the ads displayed to them. Set criteria and let the leads roll in.

TWO: Word of mouth. Every time a user logs in and checks their Facebook feed, they see your content and your brand. They will share that content with their friends both through Facebook itself and in person. It’s the very nature of social media that we share what we find valuable.

THREE: Many people use Facebook over a dozen times a day, which means your content is getting viewed a significant amount. There are brands that have gotten their start almost exclusively through Facebook advertising and have made a killing! Think Dollar Shave Club, or MVMT Watches. How many times have you been on Facebook and seen ads for those brands?

FOUR: When you use Facebook advertising you can see how much business is coming in from your ads. Facebook provides useful information such as how many people are clicking on your ads, and other analytics that make it simple to see their true impact in real-time.

FIVE: Customer engagement is a huge factor in being able to grow and maintain business for your company. Facebook advertising makes it so you can communicate with the people you want to target. Engaging prospects and responding to their questions/concerns will show them you care, thus making them more likely to convert into customers.

SIX: By using the lead ad forms option on Facebook you can start building your email list by making email a required field. The more targeted leads you have on your email list, the more customers and clients you will have coming in.

SEVEN: One of the determining factors in how much traffic you can drive to your website is your SEO ranking. Every business should be looking to increase their SEO ranking wherever than can, and Facebook ads helps to facilitate that effort. When you have likes and comments coming in on your content posts it has a positive effect on your SEO ranking. The ads themselves are also of course an excellent platform to post your website link to drive traffic to your homepage!

We’re hopeful that the reasons above help you to see how Facebook can help to grow your business results immediately and take things to the next level. If you want to target a specific niche audience, create more awareness around the products/services you have to offer, and engage more with your customers – then Facebook should be at the forefront of your approach.

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